
This blog is intended to be a part of my personal journey as I watch my mother journey through Alzheimer's disease. I am writing to help me work through the grief of this long disease, and I hope that my thoughts might help you also.

Friday, October 26, 2012

All Smiles

I remember Mother's smile as it used to be.  She smiled often, and when she smiled her eyes lit up.  It was a smile full of love, or humor, or teasing, or joy.  Her smile welcomed us and held us in its warmth.

Today Mother still smiles, and sometimes it is still warm and full of joy.  But not today.  Today her smile was pasted on.  It was big and forced.  She smiled because she couldn't connect with the conversation.  She couldn't relate to the pictures of the woods - the woods she has loved.  She only knew that she needed to smile and nod.  She wanted to participate.  She wanted to be social, but all she could do was smile.  But her forced smile only transmitted her confusion.  It became evidence of how lost she is.

Mother drifts deeper into her fog with a brave smile on her face. Her life is like the masks of comedy and tragedy.  Her tragic situation is covered by a broad and fake smile.  Tragedy, but all smiles.

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