
This blog is intended to be a part of my personal journey as I watch my mother journey through Alzheimer's disease. I am writing to help me work through the grief of this long disease, and I hope that my thoughts might help you also.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sitting in the Sunshine

Today the weather was so nice.  I even got Mother to go outside for a little while.  She was such an outdoor person before Alzheimer's.  She loved the woods and sitting on her porch.  Now, most of the time, she is afraid and overwhelmed to go outside.  Today was a good day, and we put on sunglasses and went out.  She wanted to know if she looked like "Joe Cool" in her sunglasses.  She also likes to think of herself as one of the Blues Brothers when she wears sunglasses.  So we jived down the hall and found the chairs in the place she likes to sit when she will go out. 

We just sat.  I tried to talk to her, but conversation was difficult today.  She wants to participate, but her thoughts are so jumbled.  She would just say my name and smile or try to make a polite response.  Mostly she just smiled.  So I smiled back and held her hand and we sat in the sunshine. 

Sometimes just being a presence with one another is the best we can get.  I am grateful for that.

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